Today, in postmodernist Western societies, many things favor women, including the legal system, which sides with women in most cases of divorce, but there is something which definitely favors men, which is the hypersexualistion.
Let’s make it clear, that woman who makes sex with man who is not fully committed to her, loses her female dignity completely, and becomes a slut. Because there is no such thing as free sex, and the man who is not fully committed did not pay the price of sex. But one party of two must pay. And that is a woman who didn’t ask for commitment for sex.
The women should understand this better than men because they have much more to lose. It is enough to think about unwanted pregnancy and the potential risk of needing to raise child as single mother. And she will have a very limited chance if not zero to get quality man as single mother.
In case of abortion they risk of having no chance to give a birth to child again, or ever. Not to mention the relating traumas. Yet, women don’t understand this, or not always, because they are not raised that way. And this is not coincidence.
Since the 60s women have unlimited access to birth control pills, and they got a full control over their womb first time in the history. Which contributed in no small measure to the sexual revolution in Western society. But instead of liberation the new age led to the total sexual exploitation of women. Because social expectation and pressure have grown side by side with safe sex.
Women in general work differently than men, thus their sexuality is different either. In sexuality the emotional factor for women due to female hormones is a way more determining than sexual gratification alone. With separating physical intimacy from emotional intimacy the women lost the most.
Today, a woman is expected to have many sexual partners before marriage, as many as possible. Because that indicates her quality as woman. Therefore women are under pressure to make them act as man in field of sexuality. Changing partners at rapid rate. Otherwise they get stigmatized as virginwhore, and they risk to lose their partner who destroys their reputation. Since public humiliation is people’s greatest fear after death. And even a threat of getting humiliated is the most effective weapon.
This is because the young men don’t want to pay a price of sex which cannot be else than commitment, which is the marriage. They want free sex with giving no guarantee of sticking with her. They promise everything to get what they want, but they don’t care about their mistress. After having sex there is nothing what forces them to keep their promise. “Oh, come on, you are not good enough to make me stay”. And the slut was born. The irony, that women achieve what they want to avoid, they got deserted, and stigmatized.
The stigmas like virgin or virginwhore are arbitrary created phrases, used as weapons against women. And there’s no excuse for this. Women are said to be more emotionally developed than men. So they are definitely better in this one. But if they choose not to be better even in this, then what is left behind for them? The banality, boredom, and lost femininity? The sin of the modern society to make women want to get worse. And again, there’s no excuse for doing this. The lie of modernism is that the quality of woman is equal to her sexual value. It’s a lie. It’s all about money if we learn about the revenue of porn and beauty industry. But what they left behind is not only damaged women, but damaged offsprings, and cancel culture as result.
Thanks for reading!
Can’t wait for your future posts. Keep up the outstanding work!